7 Awesome Stunt Kite Tricks (AMAZING)

Hi thanks for checking out my stunt kite tricks post.  I promise to share useful tricks to you as I have always been doing in the past.

Saying that you are going to perform some amazing kite tricks after you read this post will be an understatement because what you are about the read is more than that.

I like to start with few basic rules. Just like in all sports, there are safety rules for both the spectators and the players.

So I’ll start by explaining the rules then I dive into the stunt kite tricks from winding stage up to advanced tricks.

Let’s get started.

Safety First for Stunt Kite Tricks

Don’t try to show off by flying your kite in thunderstorms. It’s too dangerous.

Same thing goes to trying to fly near traffic area. Don’t fly near people and animals.

If you are a beginner it is good if you fly your kite only in winds within your ability.

Respect is reciprocal, respect your fellow sport men. If you are not the only flier around, respect the other person too.

Best Location to Show Off Your Stunt Kite Tricks

An area that is clear and doesn’t have ground obstructions. Prevent turbulence by using a place that has no hills, trees or buildings.

You think you can’t meet all that conditions? Then use a place that has less of those.

Tricks to Understand the Speed of Wind

If the wind is not blowing or it is very little, like 1 Mph (Mile Per Hour), usually when you see smoke going up vertically. The beau fort level for this is 0.

When smoke moves to the right or left know that the Mph is between 1 to 3. And the Beau Fort level for this is 1.

Mph is around 4 and 7 when leaves rustle, and you see flags flap gently. This is beau fort level 2.

The wind speed is in the range of 8 – 12 when twigs and leaves move in constant motion. Beau Fort level 3.

Small branches on trees move or you see flags extending, that is a sign that the wind speed is 13 -18 Mph and the beau fort level is 4.

The Beau fort is at level 5, and the Mph is between 19 and 24 when big tree branches and small trees sway.

It is only a wind speed of above 25 Mph that will make large branches of tree move. You shouldn’t fly your kite at this wind speed level.

Ideally, you don’t need very high wind speed because most kites will fly between 5 and 15 Mph.

Don’t fly a kite above 10 miles per hour wind if you are a beginner.

How to Unwind and Wind up a Line

Place your kite in the middle of the wind window (More about the wind window soon) and unwind your lines from the winder.

Hold the winder in one hand and unwind, use the other hand to guide the line. Place the winder in your pocket after you have unwind all the lines and make sure there are no tangles in the line.

Keep your lines straight at all times to avoid strangles. You can now attach the line to your kite.

After you’ve attached the line to the kite, make sure that you tilt the kite back to prevent it from flying because you are not ready yet.

Before you move on let’s quickly discuss how you can wind up the lines.

There are two common ways of doing it.

The hand-over-hand and the Figure 8 method. The two are pretty self-explanatory so I’ll dive right into the next point. If you don’t get any of those, I’ve made a video explanation available below.

What Is the Wind Window?

The window is a designated area where your kite will fly, and it is 140 degrees in front of you. The degree can vary a little for convenience.

The force of the wind, too, will make this area expand or shrink. However, it is important that you understand the wind window.

The center of the wind window is called the power zone. It is where the kite fly and pulls faster. And the top and sideways are where the wind has less effect on the kite and they are used to stall the kite.

A good place to start learning how to fly a kite is the center and top of the wind window. You will launch the flight at the center of the wind window then stall the kite at the top of the window.

How to Position Your Hand for Stunt Kite Tricks?

There are 4 important positions you need to learn.

The first position is the Neutral Position: both hands bend at 90 degrees comfortably in your front. It is like you are carrying a tray with both hands.

When you stretch one arm ahead, it is called push. Pull is when you drag an arm backward where your elbow moves behind you.

Pull-back extended is when you drop one hand and drag it behind. Remember that most of your stunt kite tricks will require the movement of one hand and the other hand must remain in the Neutral position.

You should practice movement with one hand whilst the other doesn’t move.

Stunt Kite Trick to Lunch a Kite

You can either launch the kite yourself or ask someone to assist you.

The assisted launch is where you tell your helper to stand downwind and loosely hold the kite from behind. And when you are ready, tell the person to release the kite while you pull both lines.

Always remember to return your two hands back to the Neutral position. This is very important for the kite to fly straight up to the top of the window.

Solo launch is where you first place the kite tilted down and make sure your lines are not tangled. Ensure that there is nothing that can make you fall behind you. Then extend both hands in front of you, pull both hands at the same time and the kite will launch.

Return both hands gradually to the Neutral position as the kite launches. The kite will fly through the center of the wind window and straight to the top and stall if you do the basic things properly.

What are the basic things again?

Lines must be at the same length. And you pull your hands back and return to Neutral at the same time.

Please check out the 7 stunt kite tricks in the video below because it will be much easier in a video explanation than text. Enjoy.

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